Image of man and understanding of culture
​Our methodical approach is based on our understanding of humans and how we as humans relate to ourselves and our environment. The latter is what we mean by culture.
​gnothi se hauton - know yourself
We assume that our life's work is to find ourselves and strive for the best possible form of our being in the world. ​
panta en pasin - the all is in everything
We assume that we as humans relate to each other and to our environment and that everything is connected to each other.
panta rhei - everything is in a flux or everything flows
The processes of knowing ourselves and becoming/evolving, is a permanent process. A permanent process of development as individuals and society. A flow of knowledge on the inside and the outside.
Methods and Tool Box of Coaching, Training and Consulting
Methods and models such as design thinking, DISC model, meditation techniques and many more are no longer considered "just psychology" or even "freaky esoteric".
Since neuroscience has indeed "proven" the effect of these approaches positively and sustainably in our bodies and as dream research and spiritual topics are also booming beyond theology and philosophy, more and more companies, corporations, start-ups, state institutions and educational institutions as well as individuals are using coaching and consulting approaches that incorporate these elements into their team building, organizational development and cultural design measures.
The ARON method is consistent with these approaches and takes a holistic approach based on cultural anthropological public health and socio-psychological research and decades of practical experience in different cultural environments on all continents and different personal, social and professional backgrounds and contexts.
We can learn a lot from other people of all eras, times, spaces and places. And we can learn and train to perceive our inner voices again; to understand and express them and thus to cultivate behaviors that are good for ourselves and others.
Why the name ARON?
ARON is the compass I give my clients to help them achieve their goals and find their way when they get lost.
Sometimes it doesn't take much creativity to move forward.
A change of perspective and 180° turns are usually more obvious than we think. However, courage and confidence are usually required.
So the ARON method is not just my first name NORA spelled backwards. No, it also contains a variety of acronyms that describe my holistic work and approach.
The 4 points of orientation
A = anthropology; people as the starting point
R = resilience & reflection for managers, teams and companies
O = order
N = networking; building connections & maintaining relationships
The 4 steps of every transformation journey
A = Analyze
R = Roadmap set up
O = Optimize
N = Navigate
Aaron was both an Old Testament hero and a rebel.
-> Considering new perspectives and accepting ambiguity can bring comfort and hope on our way.
​ARON therefore also stands for stability in change
-> Have confidence and the courage to fail!
-> Consider new perspectives!
-> Try out new ways!
Culture as the way of cultivating relationships
We at igdra space work with different definitions and concepts of culture and develop them further in our research.
In our workshops, training courses and coaching sessions, we apply a culture concept that understands culture as the way in which we cultivate relationships.
-> Relationships to ourselves (personal), to our social environment, our physical environment and the transcendental .​
The person as a tree ​
Universally, cultures use the tree metaphor to explain how our bodies work and how we as humans live, grow and interact with our surroundings. ​
Especially in meditation and therapy, the metaphor of the tree is used to find our roots, to feel the energies in our body and to map our personal and spiritual, mental, cognitive development in the form of unfolding petals and blossoming treetops. ​
Almost all cultures have sacred trees, and the healing power of trees has been accepted by science and the mainstream beyond yoga.
Our concept of culture fits well into this tree metaphor and gave the igdra space its name.
By communication we understand the creation of common ground/community/community in which we negotiate, develop and share our common way of cultivating relationships.
intercultural Communication thus describes the creation of a common way of maintaining relationships between (inter)two different communities/societies/cultures.
transcultural and cross-cultural Communication refers to ways of communicating beyond specific communities/societies/cultures; or modes of communication understood, shared, maintained by different communities/societies/cultures.
It also describes the ability to master different ways of communicating in a context-related manner or to quickly learn new ones in unknown contexts or even to create completely new ones.
ADKAR as a change management approach in the ARON method
The ADKAR Model comes from PROSCI Change management method.
A = Awareness - Create awareness of the situation and the need for change
D = Desire - create desire to change
K = Knowledge - Imparting/acquiring knowledge on how to achieve the goal and successfully create change
A = A(dapta)bility - adapt to change and the new path to the goal
R = Reinforcement - don't give up and consciously follow the chosen path again and again and consciously integrate new behavior into everyday life
We connect worlds
We learn together from each other, with and for each other transcultural competence for lived diversity and inclusion through creativity.
With our ARON method we bring people together in the igdra space so that our experiences and ideas flow together and together we can actively shape cultural change in our globalized world.
The focus is always on the person and society and together we identify, formulate and realize the goals and wishes of those who come to us.
Schools, associations, NGOs, companies and individuals - all are welcome.
We are supported by anthropologists, teachers, authors, legal experts, physicians, psychotherapists, art therapists, mediators, artists and consultants from various industries to enable intersectional learning across continents.